Giving Back to Papua New Guinea

for every order of 12 Capsule Blister Packs, we donate a 12 Capsule Blister Pack to the Coral Sea Foundation!

Coral Sea Foundation strives to raise awareness of the ecological and social value of reefs and to be proactive in their sustainable management.

The Coral Sea Foundation develops pragmatic reef monitoring solutions and works with First Nations custodians to develop marine reserves that enhance fisheries and protect biodiversity.

How it Came to Be

We were contacted by Dr Andrew Lewis and Dr Shelley Cowden from the Coral Sea Foundation. They have been users of our Oil of Wild Oregano for many years.

They are part of an organization called The Coral Sea Foundation – an Australian based team of scientists, researchers and environmentalists seeking to protect and help conserve the coral reefs within and around the Coral Sea, and also to assist the local communities who are the indigenous caretakers of these marine environments.

Part of their mission includes empowering and educating young women. Presently they have a young lady (Lorie Pipiga) from Papua New Guinea studying with them so that she can help educate her village and wider community about the importance of reef conservation and careful management of natural resources.

They visited Lorie’s village and established connections with a community there to help secure a marine reserve. As part of this expedition they would take various useful supplies to offer the community, including some basic first-aid equipment, mosquito nets and any other useful, light-weight resources that could assist the remote communities of Fergusson Island.

As they live a great distance from modern medical facilities, small infections easily turn into serious illnesses in the highly humid, equatorial conditions. They recently had to put Lorie on antibiotics for a small cut which turned septic. However many health practitioners believe that it is much better to avoid giving antibiotics to people from these areas as the cumulative weakening to their immune systems can be deleterious and sometimes, fatal.

The Foundation wrote to us to request a donation of Oil of Wild Oregano that might be carried with them to Fergusson Island to assist the people there to better manage infections and medical issues.

Part of Solutions4Health’s philosophy is to support quality community assistance programs for Australia and overseas.

Our company is proud and honored to help support the Coral Sea’s Foundation.

Words from the Coral Sea Foundation...

"We are very grateful for the support of our partners who provided us with medicinal Oil of Oregano to distribute on our recent expedition, and we can report very positive results even in the 10 days that we were on site. The product has amazing antibacterial properties and is a great overall health tonic, and the local people were very happy to have received the medication which has biblical links to the Hysop used to cure people by Jesus Christ.
Our platform of assistance in these villages is based around clean water, medical aid, and educational support, and it is very important that the local people see some benefit coming back into their communities from their participation in the marine reserve program. Thanks very much to the team at Solutions for Health!"